Circa 2022: Time for a New Beginning

Did you buy that car, land or house you hoped to get in 2021? Did you acquire that visa, wife, job or contract you had dreamt to have in 2021? Did you loose that weight, gained that body, achieved that look or shape you set out to have at the beginning of the year 2021? For some others, there are endless list of plans they'd envisaged to achieve as the year 2021 begun. Did you achieve them? Kudos!

If you did not achieve them, don't bother and don't get demoralized. Even as the year gave opportunity to grow, it was similarly and very visibly traumatic: the Covid-19 pandemic and its accompanied effects of recession, inflation and economic summersaults continued to have their biting effects on almost every sphere. It is quite understandable.

Nonetheless, your being alive is enough assurance that you could achieve them in the new year, 2022; and you'd so do if you're willing to trust the process and try again. Clutch them along and move with them, but this time around activating another strategy different from the previous ones that couldn't guarantee you outcome or push further the zest beyond the threshold that slacked your success as the case may be.

So all you've got to do is to make a statement of purpose for the year and outline the strategies to make it achievable. What are your expectations in the new year: is it to build on the successes of 2021 by moving into new targets or is it to redeem the failures of the past year by retrying (but differently) those things you wanted but which beat you?

First, you must categorize your expectations and/or goals: health, personal finance, spiritual and social. Secondly, and when you have had a clear trajectory of the things you expect, you must also consider the resources needed to fuel and catalyze into motion these objectives. Remember, very importantly, that for better accomplishment of purpose for the year, you must make the essential your priority.

Undoubtedly, fund is a critical need for whatever commitment that you may want to undertake in the new year. So you must prioritize on your financial expectations; widen your horizon and consciously and consistently lay traps for new avenues for fresh resources and money. Are you currently working? Good as that could be, endeavour to make it better in 2022 sourcing for or creating new frontiers to earn more- even if it's remotely or part-time!

Seek more legitimate avenues that would enlarge your access to funds, funds and more funds. This should be your financial drive for the year. Re-strategize on your investment, savings and spending portfolios, building more on the first two while blocking every leakages for frivolous spending.

In bolstering your social life for the new year, you must redefine what's your social circle and make beneficial realignment for the year. It's necessary for your overall growth to make vestiges of those communications and relationships that either drew you backward or at best kept you stagnant in the past year and move forward into seeking and engaging in productive interactions.

This is to say that your engagements and social circle for 2022 should be focused primarily on those that have the capacity to open new and better frontiers for financial, mental, health and spiritual growth. Nothing short of this should be brooded!

Also, endeavour to create a routine that leads to an improved healthy living. Seek to eat healthy diets, mainly of organic foods and those rich in essential nutrients. Keep body fit at all times by checking for and observing the appropriate exercise plan suitable for you. (No do pass yourself!). Also be conscious of your psychology and mental wellbeing: worry less and let go of situations you practically can't help out and visit a psychologist when necessary.

For whatever you belief and express faith in, give same a priority to up your spiritual life and so greatly impact on your everyday commitments. Keep your spirit activated through prayers, meditations and readings. Don't forget to live honest, truthful life this year and remember how community service and giving to charity help sustain spiritual camaraderie and make society a better place for all.


Therefore, move into 2022 with a sense of gusto, that the landscape, fresh and untapped, gives you an untrammelled space to launch in your new vision and water same to greater growth and productivity. Your energy, passion and sense of optimism are all that the uncultivated ground of 2022 needs to bolster your seed of aspirations and goals. Don't let the new year slide by like its predecessor, but prove that you're ready to pick up with its tide and make a difference in your life.

The year 2022 awaits you with your hands-on plan, to give you execution platform. Move on this inspiration immediately and begin to win.

A very happy new year to you!


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