BLEEDING: Not Only the North, It's the Entire Nation

BLEEDING: Not Only the North, But the Entire Nation

Yes, the north is bleeding. But indeed, it's the entire nation that's bleeding, burning and squelching. Nigeria has become bloodied.

Bloodstained flag/Pres. Buhari

And though the carnage of the bleedings and the burning squelch are the hands-on actions of bestial beings parading as humans- be they named as terrorists, bandits or gunmen, the relapsing responsibility for this shameful infamy still falls squarely on the irresponsibility that the current administration of Muhammadu Buhari has shown.

Yes, I hold the blood, the woes, the cries and the pains of the growing numbers of the victims of the everyday horror unleashed by elements of terror upon these heartless, callous, bestial and shameless individuals and groups that wield naked wickedness and distasteful bile upon Nigerians- be they in the North or in the South.

But similarly, I chide and condemn in the strongest terms the inefficiency and lack of administrative courage continuously exhibited by the Buhari regime in clamping down on these beasts and bringing the perpetrators of this unceasing violence to justice.

It is this straightforward approach to shame this agents of horror that would have stemmed the tide and hold at bay any attempts to continue this affront and its likes. In the alternative, the absence of this has continued to see a resurgence of the carnage, leading to more shedding of blood, more woes and more cries.

Nigeria is in a dire situation that requires every urgency to return every of its sphere to normalcy! And Buhari, if you can't stop the killings, you can at least stem the tide and halt the thrall by acting to bring to book all elements of death. The reality of the consequence of such act as this would ring a strong deterrence!

North/South and the entire nation is bleeding!


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