Ahiara Diocese: The Defiance And The Pope's Supremacy

It is with sorrow that I write this treatise, and this is because the church has consistently been plunged into ridicule by what is an unnecessarily lingering crisis. The insistence of the Catholic faithful in the diocese of Ahiara that they have the final say over the bishopric position of the diocese sends a stale wave which continuity seems just awful.
Pope Francis

Peter Okpaleke, the Anambra born priest chosen to head the church in Ahiara Mbaise, was appointed by the Emeritus Pope Benedict IX in the year 2012, and pathetic to this course, he has yet to assume the office suggested by his position since his appointment. The reason being that the Catholic faithful, whom he was to head and lead as chief shepherd, has refused to accept his person because he happens to be not one of them.

Since the announcement of the choice of Okpaleke, the church in Mbaise has been in limbo, orchestrated by the crisis of nonacceptance that has seen priests display outright crudity, incivility and mostly 'unpriestly' dispositions. This limbo, aside denying the faithful spiritual nourishment of some essential sacraments, has kept senior seminarians ripe for priestly ordination wandering in directionlessness, not knowing what to do and where to go.

But stepping boldly into the crisis in an audience he had with some representatives of the people in the Vatican on 8th June, Pope Francis expressed his dismay at how the church has been left widowed by 'murderous tenants that wants to grab the inheritance' and ordered that all priests of Mbaise origin wherever and those incardinated there to draft letters conveying their loyalty, apology and obedience to his papacy before July 9.

The follow-up decision is one area of much concern to me, and which this treatise would give focus.

The ultimatum by Pope Francis had seemed not to have gone down well with some diehard agitators, who had sternly insisted that it is either their words that Okpaleke be changed or the church continues to suffer reproach and shame. In bolstering their obduracy, a fresh protest of priests and lay faithful was held on Saturday, 1st July-just eight days to the expiration of the Pope's order.

By this act, the few who had remained adamant has shown how determined they are to have their way in bringing Mother church to disrepute. Their action is a huge suggestion of how aristocratically they want the church to do their bidding, of how instead of obeying the church, the church must be cajoled into their whims.

If the agitators in the bishopric tussle had had any point in their quest for a parochial headship, such has been defeated by the very coming of the Pope into it. And if they had had any conforming sympathy owing to how right or justified they must have been heard, such also has whittled into an antagonism by this very act of defiance to the papal order.

As it stands now, it is very obvious that the issue had gone beyond Okpaleke, the suitability or not of his appointment, and the rightness or not of the Mbaise protester priests. It is clearly now of a situation within the ambit of a straight confrontation with the Pope, his decision, his authority and his infallibility.

Being the head of the church and vicar of Christ, the Pope in Catholicism reserves total obedience in his exercise, especially when how infallible he's considered in such. For the Pope to have spoken indicated a finality that should be obeyed. Even if the desire to get rid of the Vatican's choice was justified, it would be ominous to have the Pope in contention. Indeed, it is a grave disobedience and a stout sign of satanic infiltration.

The people of Mbaise, who pride as the most Catholic nation in Nigeria nay Africa, must do the needful to return to the foundation of their faith. They must show how Catholic they are, and at this very moment that seeks to question their sincerity to this claim. They must return to the drawing board and exercise the utmost faith and loyalty that brought them to the fold and which is required in ecclesiastical matters.

It is my submission that the warring priests and laity in Ahiara Diocese must realize how by their actions the church had suffered and therefore sheathe their swords and accept in unfettered obedience the decision and authority of the Pope. Anything short of this is from the evil one.


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