July 18: Between Mandela And Selfless Service

Every 18th of July is marked as Mandela Day. The United Nations in its resolution in 2005 adopted the day which happens to be the birthday day of Nelson Mandela to celebrate this iconic figure and the many inspiring things he posit. Nelson was born in 1918 on this day.


Nelson Mandela needs no introduction. He is a phenomenon ipso facto. He is a sort of movement by reason of what he had achieved. Nelson Mandela is one man that Africa could stand up for, for he reflected and deeply propagated the continent. A father figure, a hero, he is as regarded by compatriots, the Madiba.

For much we know in the emerging new Africa, Mandela is a rallying force for the march to renaissance in the African struggle with the African spirit. He is the beacon of what is real and true democracy.

In conceiving the Mandela Day, it is the principal interest of the united Nations to eulogize and immortalize the personality and noble values of Nelson Mandela. But it more than captures the later because the marking of this day began even when this noble patriarch of far-reaching value was alive.

Thus, the 18th of July is to be seen as a day to chiefly celebrate the key ideals that Mandela stood for and which are drawn from his inspiration. The man Nelson inspired many things to different people. It is such that these inspirations are highlighted, extolled and inculcated into many people that this day came to be.

As such, 18th of July could be said to be a day where the ideals of Nelson Mandela are celebrated, especially focusing on his leadership and democratic acumen, his role in freedom fight and the restoration of human dignity. It is a day to stand out tall and inspire.

It is for the key focus of brewing inspiration that the day is set aside chiefly for committed hours of selfless service towards neighbors and community. The Mandela day is about volunteerism, about community service and about inspiring positive values in others. The Mandela International Day calls for all to spare at least 67 minutes of their time to just commit to selfless service to humanity.

This year's Mandela day comes up on Tuesday. Aside been a day that should take back our memories to the life and time of the man, Nelson Rolihaha Mandela, it is a day for which to keep the candlelight of his values burning. Yes, Tuesday is a day to touch lives, and effect real change.


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