
Between Science And Religion

Many  have sought to place the  instrument of science in a loggerhead with the essential truths revealed through the instrument of religion. But has such effort been successful? Are they right in trying to do so? Here's my thoughts on this: The Universe Science and religion are just two sides of the same coin working in paripassu. Their obvious means of expression, though varied, do not deny their inherent familiarity. As such while it is that religion receives hidden truth by the clout of faith, science expounds the revealed truths by experimentation and proves. It is to say that science is a process with deep focus in the discovery of nature; an aspect of divine artefact. The resort to science to dispel divine realities will, hence, be counter-productive.' Here's my explanation: that science is the experiential study of the facts locked up in nature. By this process, we are the more brought to the deep thoughts of God, which it unravels. That through scienc

Lovers Drown During Sex In Car

An amorous couple died after their off road vehicle rolled into a lake while they had sex , say police, according to Detectives say the couple were “making love on the back seat when the car was parked near the lake”, according to local reports. The car had been left in “neutral gear”, but their passionate movements jolted the Niva so it edged forwards into the lake near Elan. “The lovers were shaking the car and it rolled down to the water,” said a report by local news site Bloknot Volgograd.  “The car was lifted out of the lake and the bodies of the young people were found on the back seat,” said Andrey Fedotov, an official of the Russian Investigative Committee.  The school physical education teacher and his girlfriend had earlier driven to the lake in Volograd region, but worried relatives later reported them missing when they failed to return.

A New Age, A New Day, A New Horizon

"The older you get, the better you get, unless you are a banana." -Betty White Life is a privilege manifested very well in the opportunity of the new dawn. Each day is a prove of the graciousness availed by the privilege of life, and so is a year, which by itself is a conglomeration of days. Today, I'll talk about the beauty, the opportunities and the privileges of life. Yes, I feel like talking about them because of the life I see and have. Because today, by my birthing memorial, a new age is counted for me. It is in such that, to me, this topic is strategic, even as it is to everyone-in as much we live and appreciate what living opportunities that are in birthdays. Ahanonu Kingsley Life's beautiful, especially when the opportunities and privileges it affords are better and more appropriately appreciated. The gift of life is the cardinal privilege from the almighty and as far as consciously, the greatest gift of man. Life's the central focus of exist

Your Value: It Must Not Only Be, It Must Be Seen To Be

TODAY, I would be talking on perception and how very necessary it is in the assertion of true values, especially as concerns human relationships. This is because, many relationships have nosedived not because of the failure of one or the other but due to the lacuna in appreciating what goodness, what noble thought lies just behind the intent. It is a failure, albeit, not taken to heart that's led to an understanding of indifference, of the fear that it does not exist, just because it's not seen. But perception is what suggests reality. It is the view of existence. Perception says that until something is seen, that does not exist. True or not true, but that is what perception asserts. Perception could be said to be the critical thing in so far as observation is concerned. It is what people are fed that they would be able to perceive, and it is what they perceive that they assume to be. This is the very reason an act aside been must be said to be, for if an intent is

Truck Crushes Keke Driver To Death

A thing of sorrow happened in Owerri, the Imo state capital, Tuesday, when a truck suspected to be ladened with cement crushed to death a 'keke' man. The incident which happened just close to the Imo ENTRACO office along Port Harcourt road was said to have been caused by the overzealousness of the ENTRACO workers. According to eyewitness account, the ENTRACO mobile staff had tried to stop the driver of the heavy duty truck when he began to speed off. They pursued him and in the process he rammed into the tricycle operator. Meanwhile, on Saturday, some tricycle operators took to the Port Harcourt road office of the state agency to protest the killing of one of them which they said was caused by the agency's staff.

Seven Nigerians Made It To Westminster

In the elections held on Thursday, seven candidates of Nigerian heritage were elected into the United Kingdom parliament. The winners are: Chuka Umunna, who was re-elected to represent Streatham. Others are Bim Afolami representing Hitchin and Harpenden; Fiona Onasanya, Peterborough; Chi Onwurah, Newcastle; Kate Osamor, Edmonton; Kemi Badenoch, Saffron Walden and Helen Grant, Maidstone and The Weald. To these Nigerians, who in changed climate, decide to bring us hnour, we say congratulations. The UK Parliamentary elections were keenly contested between the Conservatives and Labour leading to a hung parliament as the Conservative candidate and PM Theresa May failed to secure clear majority. However, with a minor lead,May's party had reached a deal with the DUP to form a minority government after receiving a go ahead from the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II.

Text Of Pope Francis' Audience On Ahiara Diocese Imbroglio

Below is the text of the Pope's endorsement of Peter Okpaleke as bishop of Ahiara Diocese. "I cordially greet the Delegation and thank you for coming from Nigeria in a spirit of pilgrimage. For me, this meeting is a consolation because I am deeply saddened by the events of the Church in Ahiara. In fact, the Church (and excuse the wording) is like a widow for having prevented the Bishop from coming to the Diocese. Many times I have thought about the parable of the murderous tenants, of which the Gospel speaks (cf. Mt 21:33-44), that want to grasp the inheritance. In this current situation the Diocese of Ahiara is without the bridegroom, has lost her fertility and cannot bear fruit.  Whoever was opposed to Bishop Okpaleke taking possession of the Diocese wants to destroy the Church. This is forbidden; perhaps he does not realize it, but the Church is suffering as well as the People of God within her. The Pope cannot be indifferent. I know very well the events that