Here We Have 2017, Oh! It Brings Us Hope

"If you want to reach a goal, you must see the reaching in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal."-Zig Ziglar

It's a great privilege to have been led into the new year, 2017; indeed, it's a thing of utmost joy to be part of the herald of any New Year. What ecstasy, what sense of fulfilment and of effervescing optimism this inspires.

The New Year 2017 is new, and in every sense of the word. The year 2017 is replete with the aura of freshness, of 'greenness' that radiates life, energy and highflying optimism. An optimism that is defined by the reality of what's new and has been looked forward to in great anticipation.

Very honestly, the year 2017 is a dream come true, it is a moment many have looked forth to experiencing even before it emerged into the scene. It's a time that has for long creeped into our imaginative consciousness, yes and even of those who are unfortunate not to witness its dawn today. We are to be counted very fortunate witnessing as it unfolds. But it is not of their weakness that they never made it into their view, neither is it of our dexterity that we are, today, strong and living witness to its coming.

Yes, of the freshness and newness of the year 2017, it is one so remarkable and readily obvious. Here in it we have a a year that begins not only with and in a new day-as has always been, but a largely new week and a new month. Indeed, for all of us fortunate to have it around, we are blessed to be privileged with such an unimaginable opportunity.

To us who today, this year has met, we must take the privilege with both palms. To us who have met the new year, we must cherish it, we must hold it, to access the opportunity. And in doing them, we must exercise high sense of responsibility, respect and huge restraint as we match into the horizon made open by the New year. Obviously, even in the face of the seeming turmoil and challenges, the year 2017 offers a newness that should ignite a hope for the light at the tail end of the heated tunnel. This newness, this hope and indeed this refulgent light we must hold onto for guide and inspiration.

As such, it should be a moment of questions that creates the need to forge answers and steering responses. What is our sense of responsibility? It is that we, who are moving in with the targets set for ourselves or setting up targets in the new year, must do well to admit that it is first and foremost our duty and obligation to watch closely to the realization of our intimate goals, whatever they are. It is the responsibility we owe ourselves to make plans for us and diligently keep to them.

What are your targets of 2017? What are the things that will keep you responsible to yourself? Have you already mapped them out? If yes, then very good. Your first priority for the year then is to kick them into life. No excuse, no procrastinating. If you've not, no rue yet. For the dawn must be your ample time to draft and set out the targets which you'll need to ascertain your sense of responsibility for the year. Something must keep you alive, working and expectant in the new year; you must find it if you don't have any, and yes, there's no such better time to be inspired to conceive and create than now, new and fresh.

The above done. You must have seek to develop utmost respect for yourself, your values and your vision. You must respect them by giving them a sense of priority; after all they are responsibility you placed upon yourself. You must respect yourself by placing other demands second place to the very demands that meet your established target and vision. This basically is to say that your sense of personal respect for what you've set to achieve must provoke the necessary demand and imposition of discipline. You must be disciplined by the sense of commitment that keeps your eyes on your target, a commitment mused from genuine passion carved out by the need to be genuinely responsible.

Having set a responsibility and fashioned out a disciplined respectability for it, it is a conscious requirement that you must see and recognize those things that serve as potential hindrance, clog and drawback to what has kept your hope for 2017 high. You must be aligned to your belief and set target. You must be cautious not to accommodate every enticing elements that may seem desirous but prove to be needless. You must be restrained in words not to kill your visions, even before it can stand to walk.

Very importantly, you must recognize how expansive the world is. It is such expansiveness that 2017 clutches, hence, it expects you to be restrained in the seething emotions to be greedy and self seeking and to allow others who seek in a the opportunity of the year to meet targets. You must be restrained to respect their values and need to be responsible to self too.You must align your belief to the reality that we are humans, and that humans live for each other.

Thus, in our relation with firstly ourselves, then our co-dwellers in the far-flung atmosphere which we are privileged to,once again explore, we must exercise to the utmost the principal values of responsibility, respect and of restraint as we begin our commitments to self, family and nation in the year 2017. Indeed Nigeria belongs to us as individuals and as a body of citizens, and Nigeria is indeed our responsibility, whose respectability to its values is basically manifested by our decisions to live responsible individual lives.

Let's see in the New Year, where we are closer together and strongly aligned, working for our better nation and our stronger society. I bid you welcome!

A Glorious New Year to all my esteemed readers!!


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