Oh! Indeed Great Things Are The Lovely Easy Things

Individually, we're all created separately and with distinct attributes and strengths. The variability of the human nature, if not from anything, could be verified from the observed differences that constitute us and define our specific individuality.

The human person is varied in nature, and most prominently, in the manner and form they choose to express what is the core definition of their being. The observed differences of man perfunctorily suggest to be of a great necessity. It is really in the collaboration and culmination of the differences that man is built into the virile entity which he has become, fittingly meeting challenges by the strength driven from the wider amalgamation into a viable force.

"Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love."-Saint Mother Teresa

Even as it could be creditably said of man's diversity in strength, in weaknesses and in observed attributions, it's significant not to close sight of the underlain credible uniformity that defines man's vital core nature. It is to say that man, as evidently varying in attribution and sense of worth-appreciation he is, remains very much alike, and in those deeply seated, far-reaching essential qualities that describe his human core substance.

In surmise, it is to assert that black or white, tall or short, whether man or woman, big or small, be it rich or poor, learned or unlearned, the whole of the human population, overtly classified by the necessities of creed, color, privileges, wealth, and displayed characters, is brought to convergence by the possession of those qualities that unify our individuality.

These are such qualities as care, love, goodwill, smile, and the likes. They're attributes that are first nature to us, they are what could be easily offered by us. We do not need to carry the biggest weight to assume them, we do not need to be the richest, finest, tallest to exude them; they come with ease.

These attributes that binds us and call us forth without discrimination are so deep yet very simple, they are overwhelming yet ordinary. But one thing significant is that they underlay us and define us; they are qualities we can exert, easily expressed irrespective of weight or strength.

Though we all are not wealthy, and somehow may not give or donate mightily, though we all are not learned and somehow cannot pull weight greatly, though we all are not strong, beautiful and somehow cannot achieve the needed. We all are for sure lovable, peaceable, can give smile, can laugh, etc. And these little things when done out of passion and zeal, can greatly inspire.

Indeed, we can do greatly with love!


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