Should We Fear Fear? What I Think...

Defray the  defeatist ideology of fear and learn to use fear positively

Man is an emotional being, expressing varying emotions, of which fear is and remains a part. No human can evidently deny the presence of fear in them, for with humans, there is always fear. But then what is fear...?

Fear is an unpleasant feeling that arises from the perception of danger or failure. It is one feel that is prominent for the following: it kills the spirit, demoralizes the soul and incapacitate the body. It for this that fear is dreaded and oftentimes overtly advised against, the reason that it weakens its subject, holding them in delusive constraint.

With fear, the body's will is clogged, with fear the spirit, literally dissipates and the body is pronouncedly deactivated. With the flight of spirit, passion is lost. There's no will, no energy, and the individual's sense of commitment becomes lacking.

And what is it? With all these attributes and effects of fear, it must be one negative feel that should be seriously shunned. But is it?

Even so it appears that fear is shrouded in negativity for its observed effect, it is most assumingly an attribute, just as with most others, that has also a spice of positivity. Fear, as such can impact positively or negatively on the individual but with much dependence on how the individual appreciates its presence.

We can see fear as an object of good, one whose stir is for an end that is beneficial or as a factor denying us the good and leading us to woes. As such, effectively, just as it is our appreciation of a thing that defines its impacts, the ultimate place of fear is defined by how we perceive.

Personally, I try to look away from the usually focused bottom-side of fear. I look at its flipside, its tendency to goodness and I appreciate it. My fear is good because it is my first sense of precaution, my first impulse to stay away from what can't be possibly undone. The reason I appreciate its presence.

The place of fear in my consciousness serves as a restraint to my foreseeable excesses. I see fear as an emotional item that pops up to remind me of factors that might be relevant in defining my actions. It is a reminder that cautions me on the likelihood of an imminent futility based on some observed lacunas and weakness.

By and large, i do well to be guided by the undeniable fear emotion that stirs up. I fear only the evil that I cannot survive, and simply, because I know I can't surmount it. My fears restrains me because it holds me, based on assurances of my obvious inabilities not an undefined futility.

Thus, it is the desire of this piece to nudge an attempt from the readers to think out of the box, to seek to make good out of something that is heavily part of us and one which we cannot deny. The focus must be made to do away with the notion that fear is to be cast and bound for the evil it has been worn and channelled to appreciating fear as a value. It is the resolve to see fear as a value, as something that can impulse a good end that it becomes an item that works for us, serving for our goal.


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