We Age Along, We Grow By Desire

Biologically, the human being, like every organism respond to the deep calls of nature. Man grows and hungers, he reacts and moves; and all these are functions of the natural inclination to which he responds appropriately.

It is so very inherent and a function of natural spontaneity, one that weighs upon man, whether or not he likes it; he grows and consequently age from the very continuous proliferation of cells and the differentiation of tissues. This is one commitment which he has no choice and control over, until the natural halt which itself is brought in death.

Growth itself is a natural process. But then, growth also is a matter of choice. While the later falls into the purview of the unquestionable reality that is understandably natural and spontaneous leading to increase in the numbers of age, the later is a concept of similar meaning but which unlike the former is self-regulated and a matter of willful choice. Yes, of willful desire.

Growth is a choice, and we grow from desire.

The growth I mean, far from the naturally restricted biological process, is a process of life's decision, of the process of changing but in an increasing manner in state, appreciation and personal worth. It is the kind of growth that affects individuals, organizations and nations and for which progress is measured.

Vividly, the growth in focus is that defined by progress and increase from what was obtained in the past and into that which inspires. That kind that is desirous and that serves as the yardstick for development. It is that kind that is a product of desire, of the committed and conscious choice of an individual to see a movement in the ladder of worth.

Just as our body responds to the increase in natural growth, the personality growth must be stirred by the acceptability of the mind to its desire to grow, i.e. to change status.

We must reposition our minds and respond to the values that feed them to be able to grow. Like the body that grows well robustly from the intake of rich nutrients that nourishes the subterranean tissues, the mind must be well nourished with the right nutrients to be able to grow our personality.

The right nutrients that feed the mind and nourish it to growth are the values, ideas and the other wherewithal necessary for building up the mind into the spur that raves the person into the motion towards its desire. They are the very rudiments that feed the mind and inspire the individual to grow, to develop.

While it is natural duty to grow in age, it is also very necessary, as much to grow in essence. The natural aging process should, and heavily, be compensated by the functional growth, which essentially, is the transmutation of were we are to the spot we desire or supposed to be. Thus, to be able to so grow, we must desire the path we seek and must be raved by true and beneficial values to transmute towards it. For indeed, we "grow" by desire.


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