
There Are Consequences: Think Before Acting

I am beginning to think about life and the application of the salient principles of actions and consequences. We've heard that for every action, activity, inaction and thoughts of man, there's always attached to it a resultant effect.  That's to say that in a very critical dimension, there's vividly the reciprocal outcome of what man's action brings. E very act of virtue of man, indeed, is definitely and justly reciprocated.  Same could be equally said of every evil deed perpetrated by any individual.  Some people in their actions go free of them, some may say; but the exception to this is merely an injustice that shall not escape recompense appropriate for it. Yes, from the dynamisms of life, which we cannot define with certainty, nobody could expressly say when, but if not now then definitely later. Therefore, the basic message is to think before posing any action. If you are consistently doing good, it is fair enough for goodness to follow you; but nevertheless,

Be Reasonable In Faith

As humans, we're people, living in a life that's basically demanding of faith, and chiefly because the world we live in- nature and the whole processes of life- is a gargantuan adventure shrouded in awesome uncertainty and mystery. It is difficult to perfectly understand life and know the holds of tomorrow.  For this reason, we must live life, facing tomorrow with a steep treading of faith- believing that the tomorrow that's uncertain and beyond our control and comprehension could just be favourable to us. Yes, we must walk this journey of life by faith and not merely by the giving of the senses. The senses are riddled with fears and false make-ups called projections! ''We move by faith and  not by sight...'' But in walking through life by faith, that process must be anchored upon a faith that's reasonable and very dependable. Going through life with just the impulsion of an undefined incitement in the name of faith could be drastic and catastrophic. Ind

Consequence: Think Before You Act

I am beginning to think about life and the application of the salient principles of actions and consequences. We've heard that for every action, activity, inaction and thoughts of man, there's always attached to it a resultant effect.  That's to say that in a very critical dimension, there's vividly the reciprocal outcome of what man's action brings. E very act of virtue of man, indeed, is definitely and justly reciprocated.  Same could be equally said of every evil deed perpetrated by any individual.  Some people in their actions go free of them, some may say; but the exception to this is merely an injustice that shall not escape recompense appropriate for it. Yes, from the dynamisms of life, which we cannot define with certainty, nobody could expressly say when, but if not now then definitely later. Therefore, the basic message is to think before posing any action. If you are consistently doing good, it is fair enough for goodness to follow you; but nevertheless,

WTO: The Issue With Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala's Nomination

I've been keenly following the developments as regards nominations for the position of the Director General of the World Trade Organization, WTO, especially as its concerns the general ratification by the African regional body, AU, to field a consensus candidate. In doing that I've looked at the nomination of Fred Yunov Agah and the eventual substitution with Ngozi Okonjo Iweala (NOI) by Nigeria, together with the dissension by Egypt, a contender in the forthcoming WTO election and a top interested party in the choice of Africa Union consensus candidacy. I have looked at it critically from three widely separate angles of national patriotism, independent objectivity and in the light of regional sense of justice. At a point, I sought to be overwhelmed by the flying influence of one over the others- that of having to view at the stronger propensity in standing a robust change internationally to clinch this post by Nigeria, in the event of NOI staying as a nominee.  That advantage

Biking: A Cycle Through Health & Fun

There's no sports exciting as one that facilitates healthy life while also providing the best of pleasure. The point is that a sporting engagement is greatly enjoyed when there's no underlying pressure to meet a demand or out-beat an opponent as is the case with organized sports. That's the leverage provided by recreational sports, and which they do so readily; having a combination of exercise and enjoyment. Cycling is one of such recreational functions that combines the effects of enjoyment and exercise. These are benefits derived willfully by the individual and at much convenience. Just like many outdoor recreational activities, cycling does not place much demand of technicalities. The individual does not need to become an athlete or undergo some rigorous training to be ripe for it. Anyone can be involved in it; all it requires is to know how to toggle the pedal of a bicycle, and this can be done by little learning of how to sit and engage the pulley of this simple, lean

Intention: The mind's hidden construct

The mind is hidden and a chamber accessible to just the individual. Whether or not an action is noble is a function of the intent, a creation locked in the seclusion of the mind. Thus, 1. An action could have a wonderful, noble, nice outlook. It's sulken bad if the intent is evil!  Have you permitted someone to have access to your parent's car to drive in their absence? The fellow felt happy for graciousness. Was that good, was it evil?  2. Alternatively, have you offered help to make the recipient feel you are better than them? They are happy and grateful, but you know deep down why you did it. For self-adulation. Was such act indeed good help?? 3. An action could be looked at as sinister, weird, bad. It's not if the intent is good! What could be said of mercy killing? Have you denied or rather prevented someone from taking something he/she desires to have. Just for their good?? But the person felt bad for having been denied a desire. Was that evil, was that good? Our inte

What's Makes a Good Name?

Oftentimes we hear of parents and elders admonishing children and the younger ones on how it is important to maintain a good name and to preserve that which the family has as a name. Is it that such name as known by the family or the individual is such that stands out and beautifully conscripted? Why such emphasis and the attachment to names? I'll endeavour to make a review of this erroneous emotiveness, but let's take a quick look at what broader concept of a name?  Name is as simple as it is: it is nothing more than what a person is called and what he answers to. I do not really subscribe to the believe that the name is deeper that what it is and that it has some subtle influence on the man. A man's name does not as much impact upon him as much as his person does upon the name he answers to.  For instance one may bear Chicken or Terrible;  that necessarily do not make such to behave in the manner akin to a common chicken or display such attributes as terrific and horrible