
The Autocracy In Orlu Market Closure

I learnt with concerned anger of how the main market in the Orlu town of Imo State has remained under closure for such a time spanning the Biafra Day sit-at-home observance of 30th May 2021. It become more conscionably worrisome to realize that this state of affairs came to be from the highfalutin, unwarranted and daring order allegedly of the military division located within that area. In the strongest term possible, I condemn this misplaced order, which no less shows the high-handedness of the military. This is the exhibition of such galling stifle unheard of in a legitimate society nonetheless a democratic one. What this portends is that for upwards of 60 days, people who legitimately undertake their businesses and finds their daily means of livelihood in that market have by this unconscionable lock been denied their constitutional and natural rights to seek for subsistence. I call on the Imo State nay the federal governments to stand up to this madness and bring to an end this care

Concerns over Kanu's Absence in Court

The failure of the Department of State Service to provide Nnamdi Kanu in court for today's proceeding is beyond disappointing, obviously questionable. It once again bring to the fore the abysmal question whether the Muhammadu Buhari administration is ready at all to understand that Nigeria is presently in a democracy and be ready to give the rule of law the very deserving place. Nigeria's democracy has oftentimes been put to question by the penchant disposition of the president who has shown no willingness to be democratic, even in the most pretentious form. The respect for the rule of law, which is a major and basic determinant of a virile democracy, has been so alien since the very beginning of this current administration. President Buhari has not failed to show his dissent for what's constitutional and democratic. He blatantly disrespected th courts, not once, not twice. He has treated much of the concerns of most Nigerians with utter disdain and has recently begun the p

State of the Union and The Laughable Option

Nigeria presently is in a precipice, witnessing a heightened crises that find root as always in the existential fissure. The security challenges bedeviling it has plummeted, now it is no longer just Boko Haram terrorism, but banditry, widespread kidnapping, Fulani militancy and the emergence of UGM; all of this talking about and emphasizing one statement of how the Nigerian union isn't a real union in itself. But in all, I find it sadly curious the suggestion that some past leaders of this country form a delegation to deliberate on current national issues and meet with President Muhammadu Buhari with the hope to resolving the brawl. They call them past leaders and elder statesmen. The call was made by some elders, who sat and reached at a resolution that former Head of State, Yakubu Gowon should lead this mission. My concern is on how feasible is there a break from the norm when selfsame people that plunged this nation into the shameful state it is now and who had the chance to beq

54 Years: Biafra and The Unending Agitation

  The first civil war in Nigeria had started with the attempt of the Nigerian state to quickly nip the new Biafran nation with a force that was largely military and fully brutal. It was a critical plan that had the mandate to quell the secession in the shortest possible time; within three months specifically. The combined Nigerian armed forces, in achieving the mission, had taken the subversion to the doorsteps of the seceding nation and so fired the first shot that was to ignite the eventual Biafra/Nigeria Civil war. This war was prompted by the desire of the people of the old Eastern region (dominated by the Igbos) for self-determination, a desire to stay on their own and pursue their economic and political excellence in a manner peculiar to them and made possible by their distinct, unadulterated ingenuity- and a legitimate right recognized by the United Nations Charter for Human Rights. The war motive essentially was to prevent the fear of a state in losing its ingenious entity thro

The Cantankerous Remi Tinubu

Yet again, the supposedly distinguished Senator Oluremi Tinubu, senator representing Lagos West at the Red Chamber and wife of the national leader of the ruling APC showed her robust nature to react badly and to argue as though the decision of the matter must end by her and on her side. This recent incident happened just yesterday at the public hearing for the constitutional review at the Lagos venue for the Southwest zone. It was precisely at Marriott's Hotel when, as reported, invited members of the public had come to actively participate in the public process to which they were called to submit memorandums. Fine, for orderliness and sanity of the process, people were asked to organize themselves, file along a queue and maturely step into the Hall. Fine also was the restriction given, when supposedly the Hall could no longer contain more crowd as to warrant some latecomers to be barred from further entry to avoid bubbling up the place. But what was not understandable was the sele

£4.2m: The Irony of Returning a Loot

 Ibori's £4.2million Loot The federal government of Nigeria had successfully negotiated the release of looted funds belonging to Delta state by its jailed former governor, James Ibori from the UK government. The next action is to return this loot amounting to over £4.2m to the government and people of Delta state as part of the repatriation deal. But I hope that when, eventually, the whooping £4.2m is returned to Delta State -where it rightly belongs, same will be judiciously utilized to serve the benefits of the majority of the people of the state. It will be disheartening to see my utmost concern and the huge source of my fear comes to pass, to wit, that Mr James Ibori, the chief looter in question, having been released from his UK incarceration and having returned to the state and having yet that influence as a political godfather even to the current Chief Executive of the state, it smells rat that the loot could be more probably relooted and yet by the chief looter! That's

Nigerian Security Should Stop the Easy, Reactionary Approach

Foremost, I want to say I just hope that the spurious order given by Nigeria's Commander-in-Chief to the effect of a shoot-at-sight for arms-bearers (which supposedly was meant to tackle arms-wielding, killer herdsmen) doesn't leave the primary motive and begin to turn the South-East into an easy field for bloodshed and a curious theatre of bloodletting, where innocent people, living peacefully and working legitimately, are sacrificed in a free-for-all, the helpless-are-sacrificed manner. The unleashing of the combined forces of both the military and the police upon the South-East in what's seen as response to the escalation of the newfound threat of unknown gunmen (UGM) might have turned the zone into a warzone of sort, one such that citizens- even the peaceful, law-abiding- ones are scared to move around to undertake their legitimate business, simply for fear of stray hits, whether from the blossoming UGM or the reactionary national forces. Just the other day, 24th of May