The Love We Share, The Life We Live
"All things work together for them that love God, for them who are called by his name." And who are those that love God? They are those who keep his command, to love God and their neighbors as they love themselves. I heard these very wordings of the scripture today, as I worshipped in church, and it struck me in a very remote way. As I listened to the priest continuously harped on this very words and emphasized on it by delving deeper into how one could experience this 'working together for good', it scraped me to ponder on the subject of love, the very instrument of our essence of living. Summarily, the sermonist taught about how love is central in obtaining graces from God and how it would be impossible to love without sacrifice. But truly, the love of God could only be imaginary without the practical effectuation made manifest by the love of man to his fellow human beings. The point he made being that it would be a deception to claim the love for God witho...