
INDABOSKI: A Consequence of a People's Failure of Faith

First and very importantly, I must say that the purpose of this piece is not to delve into the tensed issue regarding Ada Jesus, the consideration or otherwise of her pleas for forgiveness and all the sort. So many opinions already have been woven around it. But rather I'd seek to talk here about the theatrics of the popular Odumeje in a rather broader view and how it relates to people and their expression of faith. For me, it's totally ridiculous and practically inexplicable how people, in the search for spiritual enlightenment and faith-deepening, end up exhibiting features characteristic of sheer gullibility and deep faith-failure that discountenance the very reason that supposedly prodded them. The trend seems to be more profound in our clime, as the deeply religious people we are. How else can one explain the place of spiritual rejuvenation in a situation where people are seen to submit themselves to be cajoled into dehumanizing and obviously ludicrous gesticulations. They

Pantami: The Infiltration of Terrorism in Governance

It is no news that there's a serving minister in the executive chamber of the current administration that's in the terror watchlist of the United States government. Honourable(?) Isa Pantami -you decide, for as I'm concerned, I decide not- the minister in charge of Technology and Digital Economy was named to be linked to terrorist organization by the Central Intelligence of the United States. And this news should get you worried. We have heard it been said by then President Goodluck Jonathan of the presence of collaborators of terrorists in government, but I had never thought it to be a reality as real as having an executive member of government, who presides over a sensitive ministry as Digital Technology and who sits right in the forum where the running decisions of government are taken. It was indeed shocking and very terrifying for me to get wind of this. It reeks in me a delirious ponder and feeling of forebodings. What has happened in this country has been so deva

The Relativistic Life

The life which we live is a a spectrum of relativism; where one thing/situation could be good here and now and becomes bad there and then. It is to say that there often could be two options for a particular situation. Hence, in judging in the heat of the moment, one must consider these relativistic tendencies and apply practical wisdom in not throwing entirely the baby while trying to discard the bathwater. There's nothing entirely bad, just as there's nothing entirely good. The good/bad of it depends on how it presents at the moment it affects us. The rain is good this time and could be bad the other, so with the sun. But to surmise that the rain/sun is entirely bad could be wrong. Taking another instance, but looking from the human illustration. Let's say there's a man named Nwaka, who's married and living with his family. For all that has been known about Mr Nwaka, he's a good man, keeping faithfully to the demands of wife and children. Then suddenly, the b

Royal Racism: The Meghan's Push

I do not support racism, and very much only when such idea has been proven to be not just an allegation, but a fact that it happened. I know very well my reason for taking this posture of racism being condemned for the indignity and dishonor that it is, only when it is genuine and provable that it happened. It is this: that issue about racism, like the many others that bothers on our affective are very very sensitive (emphasis implied). Like issues about sexism, religion, politics and the many others, racism is very emotive and could easily stoke up reactions just at a spark! Even as much as I respect the value of the human person and do more to promote the dignity of human life, whether expressed in the shades of white, Caucasian, black or Mongolian colour of, I do not not strive to achieve this or support the course that seeks to achieve this through lies and blackmail. The recent interview held by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is an attempt to seek public patronage through lies and

Fani-Kayode and His Penchant for Cheap Attention

 Just yesterday, Femi Fani-Kayode, a former aviation minister, seemed to have found voice again after the United States Senate narrowly acquitted ex-president Donald Trump. But his trying to find a voice is baseless considering the shallow foundation he's previously laid by his cheap, nonsensical and puerile vituperation of unfounded and false narratives as it concerned the now concluded United States presidential election which Joe Biden won. Below is my retort to his blowing tantrum for continuous cheap relevance: FFK,   You're just cheaply trying to regain stability over the Trump issue after you've been loudly driven to shameful silence. Where's your shameful narrative of Trump been sworn in on 20th of January? If you had honour, which I've long known you hadn't, you should have bowed your head in shame after continuously spewing unchecked and false information. I pity and continue to pity those who hold you for essence. Consistently you've proven you

Covid-19: The lawgiver breaking the law

 Dear President Buhari, Just recently, on the 27th of January, 2021, you signed the COVID-19 Health Protection Regulations 2021 policy into law. This was a re-enactment of Section 4 of the Quarantine Act, Cap. Q2 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2010, and therein you mandated every Nigerian to wear face mask and maintain social distance at all times between persons. And as a penalty for flouting the provisions of these regulations, you recommended some drastic measures, which include imprisonment for a period of 6 months or payment of fine or both.  The act you signed was applauded by many, who have value for life and safety, mostly by my humble self, going by the objective it sets to achieve in combating the scourge of the fast-spreading Covid-19 infection. It was a pro-life idea! But very troubling and worrisome is the fact that just some days after this landmark action by yours, it was observed that you, by yourself and ontop of yourself, flouted the very law you signed. This happe

My Realest Role Model

Sometimes, people ask me who my role model is and I often do not say what they probably would expect. For I know, as is always traditional, they would expect me to draw inspiration from one influential figure or another highly spoken person. But my unconventional drift seems to just defy the norm! Not as though there are no such people, who have made mark for themselves and have impacted on life in ways gloriously spoken of. There are many of them, and deeply I cherish them for who they've become and for what they've achieved! However, to be frank, none of them, in their sparks, fits to be described as my role model: the top bureaucrats, the business moguls, the high-valued political juggernauts, the influential religious leaders and erudite academicians. They do not form my models, as much as I cherish their ilks. Who are my role models? They are but just society's simple elements out there, who continue to inspire and motivate me through their simple  influences expressed