Are All Things Possible, Indeed? (3)

This is a continuation of the discourse that focuses on the possibility of the mind.

Of course, there is an existing connectivity between the idealist world and that of realism, we are made to believe; a pact which numbs our consciousness. Everything which could claim a place in the realm of the physical was once a product of the mind; of thoughts and ideas emitted in a Mind.

They are the audacious outcomes of a steady and committed transformation of the wishful thinking and imprinted imaginations skewed within the mind and perceived by the sentient organs.

It is the mystical transmutation of the mind’s consistent constructions into concrete results that led to the existence of the things we could feel and observe.

However, the fjord of the probably expressed alarms- and the awe over these acts of transmutation- could perhaps emanate from the near-mystery of their translations; of how idealism transcended into palpable realism.

Many have because of circumscribed inability and the lack of appreciation of what is real and achievable have limited the effects of their mind’s capacity. They tend to feel that, say it does not work out for them; it practically suggests impossibility, a non-existence. But how erroneous would such be, if not so massively and delimiting.

The extent, to which our understanding could carry us in the ever explorative wide world, should not even in the very least be basis at all to hold existing possibilities of phenomena, which could be beyond our sensory vicinity, in ready objection.

Just because thus far is the length the exertion of my knowledgeableness could lead me in regards to life processes, is not vocal prop-on to hold in doubt the reliability of facts unknown to me.

The mind’s hemisphere appreciably serves as the epicentre of the evident manifestations that pervade the world of physicality. It feeds and sustains the existence of reality.

As such, in realizing that the world is expansive and that there are extant circumstances that far out-stretch our physical purview—and which, if going by them, could easily hold us bound from the wave of possibility, we must then grip the manifestations which our minds— our imaginations, dreams and thoughts— tend to inundate us with for acceptance.

These are revelations with prospective for physical manifestations offered and projected by the mind. The mind feeds the senses, guiding them to lay out what it has projected. It is to say that the mind's conjuring precedes manifest reality.

To be continued [...]


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