Why On Earth Did Tuface Back Out?

Still on the Tuface Hardship Protest...

I think we have better things to do with our energy, for our country and at this admittedly hard moment than protesting. Nothing that can be effectively changed, bettered and sustained by protest than by effective dialogue, credible suggestions and deep-rooted discreet civic sensitization.

Tuface, by his indication for a protest, raved up interests, he charged up zeal and he has inspired people who were meaning to join the movement his name has identified, though he missed the ultimate end in having his building supports disappointed by the last minute back down. But just as he rightly said, he had made a statement; and let's believe so.

But I believe also, that it would have been more efficacious if, considering his personality and influence, Tuface had made that statement in a mature way by engaging the authorities; he would have been availed that chance. Instead he chose to scurry empathy, more popularity by making it a crowd thing, a protest, which at the end, he flung the towel in what's seen as deflecting cowardice. Maybe, just maybe, he realized what should have been the better option for him, which he snubbed.

Tuface sunk into a cowardice orchestrated by his inner sense of regret. Nobody cowered him. The presidency was clear about its stance on the protest, so nobody should bring in the presidency into this cowardice.

I maintain that if Tuface has done his homework well, right from beginning, these issues of him backing out and who forced or didn't force him to do so wouldn't have arisen. But never late, he's still a figure, Tuface can still engage the government on whatever economic issues he contends with.


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