Are All Things Possible Indeed? (1)

This is the first part in the series of discussion that would be focusing on the possibilities of the Mind...

‘All things are possible...’ This is one quotation that we are used to. Oftentimes, we’ve heard it been employed as a soothing mechanism to inspire. Oftentimes also, and for similar reason, we’ve found this inspiring effect in it apt to employ its usage.

Largely, we have heard and as well said this truism; and mostly for the convenience it offers. Yes, the “can do” spirit which the statement carries spurs, it encourages; ostensibly denying one of the disillusionment which their challenges poses them with—and it is the enlivening twitch that basically necessitates its oft application.

But then, that-the phrase seems only to be a momentarily provisional healing that lasts while it’s said. How many have really given thought to the weight of what that statement bears; how many have gone beyond the momentary rejuvenation and spur it gives to appreciate its practicality—its fact. In all assertiveness, if the point must be made, the spurring effect of the above statement goes beyond cushioning the effect of a febrile spirit; it is a statement that expresses one fact that can only be appreciated by an effort to pragmatic suggestion.

In strong diversion, what we see nowadays is the over-expressionism of the fact of the statement without the more appreciable tangible indication it spews; it has been literarily laid over as to make it a merely passive resort and, hence, denying it of its deep essence. In what has become dominant, the truism in question has rather being taken beyond the intellectual excitement it teases—into one that has become resorted to spice up any conjecture that seems inspiring and encouraging. It has gone beyond that to be given a hackneyed form as to worth holding unto—not even in a bit.

What is the point? It is that the statement has been seen not to excite its value; it has instead been widely abused to the extent that it has become a cheap ‘commodity’ most people have come to view often with an attendant tint of flippancy, of playful approach—indeed of disbelief; in spite of the sprawling affinity. And this is a disbelief that’s strategically focused more on the semantics (its veracity) than on its usage.

To some, its identification could not only pass for the verbal expression widely and more often given; as a truism existing restrictively within the idealist world of postulation. To others, it is just one of the numerous inventions of intellectualism with an overwhelming following—based on its philosophical excitation— which begins and end only in verbal dialectical exploits. But is that so? is there a possibility sense in everything?

All things are possible has been taken for granted as a statement that fills the convenience of the situation that arouses it; it has been such taken for an enabling ride that it has begun to lose the verve which makes it usage deeply assimilating and obviously inspiring.

Today, because it is used anyhow without accompanying effusion of a passionate will to effect what it suggests—and to prove its factuality—the effect a hold of the words has in lifting up a consideration and spurring the will to a fulfilling activity of its inspiration has become trampled. The words of the statement, today, are livid—one impact so wrongly got from a wrong appreciation.

Going in that light, the fact of the possibility that the mind abounds and the inspiring purpose it seeks to achieve would remain vague and abysmally defeated. ‘All things are possible’ would remain, personally, a statement of convenience and one that evokes  playfulness if we do not internalise the revelation it gives to get the deep arousal it stirs within. It would be one of those statements made to busy the mind and to significantly serve for consolation if we do not believe in it.

But one thing is certain: that the statement, by itself, is flaccid idea of what we can make from who we are and the opportunities that surround us. It is a suggestion of what possibly could abound; and thus would it remain. The distinguishing element as to the efficacy and hence veracity of the message the aggregate components of this statement pass is the acceptance we individually give them. It’s our appreciation of the vast opportunities we have and what we make of them that either gives life or continued flaccidity to the truism in focus.

What makes it a statement graduating from one of mere idea to one of tangible substance is the activation which our mind’s acceptance of it gives to the will-power, and our commitment. It is how we, individually view it—how we appreciate it with our mind— that would push further the step in exposure—to either affirm or deny clear what it suggests. Yes, it is this mind-appreciation that would cause the idea to be internally dissected, powered and eventually given life.


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