Yes, All Things Are Possible (1)

"Indeed, all things are possible to them that believe."

All things are possible for as much as we give force and life to the every sphere of possibility which our minds present to us. Indeed all things are possible to him who believe that what his mind offers are workable assertions that could be given physicality; a physicality which is anchored on the appreciating self emotively birthing this conceived idea into substantial reality. It requires an emotive conviction and courage to embrace warmly the postulations of the possibilities that lay in the mind’s world; a measure of committed trust and strong belief in its revelations of are needed.

This is validly necessary because of the unverified trajectory of metamorphosis which seems to be a near farce—more of a mystery to the organismal self. Hence, it requires a great deal of faith so stable to withstand the tremors of despair that could arise to jig the steady mechanism for realizing the designs that had existed solely; and also continues to spring up within the mind. Many of these mind’s constructions require loads of persistence and perseverance. These are the very ingredients that help cushion their seeming improbability.

Everything is possible; and indeed yes, everything is possible. Nonetheless, this possibility of everything is circumscribed; not in its very proof of existence but in its acceptability by the very substance which its centre finds abode in and which arbitrarily serves as the ready medium for its earnest realization. Consequently, all things are possible only to him that believes; to him that accepts and commits to what possibilities spurn by his mind. This is the one who is not barricaded by the substance of the things which his senses feed him into denouncing the expression of things that predates his senses.

Thus, all things are and remains possible in the view that whatever that could present to us as real and tangible drew essence firstly from the mind’s sphere wherein is the horizon of unspoken possibilities. This obviously stirs up raised trust in the expressional propensity of conceived ideas; a truth that engenders the confidence and faith that whatsoever we could hold in our mind is a reality prospect. If it’s possible to think, it’ll be so to act; if it’s possible to conceive, it’ll be so to produce, etc.

Yes, all things are possible; but (only) to him that believes...

All things are possible for as much as we give force and life to the every sphere of possibility which our minds present to us. Indeed all things are possible to him who believe that what his mind offers are workable assertions that could be given physicality; a physicality which is anchored on the appreciating self emotively birthing this conceived idea into substantial reality.

It requires an emotive conviction and courage to embrace warmly the postulations of the possibilities that lay in the mind’s world; a measure of committed trust and strong belief in its revelations of are needed. This is validly necessary because of the unverified trajectory of metamorphosis which seems to be a near farce—more of a mystery to the organismal self. Hence, it requires a great deal of faith so stable to withstand the tremors of despair that could arise to jig the steady mechanism for realizing the designs that had existed solely; and also continues to spring up within the mind.
Many of these mind’s constructions require loads of persistence and perseverance. These are the very ingredients that help cushion their seeming improbability.


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