Be Guided By Your Reasons

"Never let your sentimental crave define your step of judgment; instead, if need be, let your emotions be defined by your sense of reason"  

Oftentimes our actions tend to just hurriedly stream from the peripheral emotive drive. That's to say, we just act even suddenly as we become seemingly stirred to act and/or react. 

But this is not how an action that should be responsible and should be one we can held really accountable for,  as our decision and actions,  should be done. That action we are answerable to, and which of course, all our actions ought to be, must be one that doesn't take our sense of reasoning unawares. Such actions should be carefully thought out, carefully perused, so that come rain, come shine, we could say 'yes, I did it, yes, I am answerable.'

For mostly reasons coming from a failure to think over and subject to reason our choices of actions, many have plunged into regrets and unnecessary self-justification. Because the actions were just streams of emotions, they eventually raved disproportionate emotions too. Because reason was not consulted as to know the appropriateness, worthiness and innocuousness of the action-decision, the effects of the actions, which incite the reason with a clarity, jigs a rue that becomes the focus of reason, of worry.

What is the point? That for every decision you make, for every step you take and for any action you propose, just before you do them, refer them to your sense of reason for analysis and ratification. Acting without reason is acting amiss; it's akin to putting the cart before the horse, a  consequence which puts a heavy toll on the mind itself.

Think,  and ponder; if possible, then act.


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