What You Should Think When You Fall...

In life, we win because we decide to so have it and because we have such attitude. It is entirely our personal acceptance of what is our disposition that crafts us into success or failure. That's to say, perception defines knowledge and self-perceptibility categorizes our worldview.

People have failed because they answered to other's description; leaving what you are cut out for, to follow other's destination, to be guided by their decisions, to be accessed by their specific, individualized parameters of success and failure is the acceptance of self-worthlessness and it is remarkably failure.

The thing about failure is that it is significantly a thing of the mind, it is about how one sees himself, appreciates his worth and whatever it is they have or haven't achieved. Failure is a mindset, a belief that is initiated in the mind even as success is a journey that starts from the mind, one that a man embarks upon, knows the destination himself and accesses it himself.

The way you feel, centrally, about yourself when things happen or fail to happen to you suggests your acquiescence of failure; it gives your view of hopelessness, of letting the world decides for you. Indeed, letting the world decide your fate shows a mindset of inability, of helplessness which practically leads to failure.

When the world turns or seems to turn against you, do you turn against yourself? That's failure when you do. It smacks of a sense that you do not have yourself in trust; it is that you do not believe in yourself to guide you and to lead you to what is suited, well fulfilling and what centrally defines your success.

When you're pushed down or slips down, don't you feel like getting up back? That's is another failure. Complacency, it is-the relaxation in status quo; that's is failure.

When you are drowning literally and literarily in the sea of life, what steps you take, in a long way, determines how well you survive. Do you wait on the world to show you how compassionate, empathetic or how unmindful and heartless they are by waiting silently while you sink down?

Your ability, your effort to redeem yourself, whether by exertive struggle or impassionate, without-care shouting and ruckus, proves that something could happen, that you won't fail there.

Failure is in the things we accept to be done to or do not avail ourselves to do. It is more about the things that we fail to do: the decisions that we fail to make, the paths that we fail to take, the visions that we fail to see. It is the belief about how the wonderful decisions we can make, the belief of how winning the paths and vision we take-that we fail to have.

Failure is not really the opposite of success but the failure to think, to act and to envisage success. It's the inability to not think of what possibilities the mind can achieve but to accept what is been given, being told.

The fate of a man, whether past or present and, as well, the future, lies in his hand. The place we go and how far we go is as how the mind leads us to, accepting any other thing out of the concurrence of what the mind gives is a sign of self-disbelief, a show of failure.

You are a failure if you accept that you're. Even if you fall, you're not a failure if you do not accept your fall, if you don't accept to stay there. Rather, your acceptance or not defines who you are.


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